
Artigos científicos

– Falcon, J.E.; J.H. Schoereder; V.S. Ribeiro; A.V. Christianini; P.H. Camargo; L.N. Paolucci. How do birds and ants contribute to the recruitment of a tropical tree? 2024. Biotropica. DOI: 10.1111/btp.13372. Altimetric

– Hargreaves, A.L., et al. Latitudinal gradients in seed predation persist in urbanized environments. 2024. Nature Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 1038/s41559-024-02504-7. Altimetric

– Ribeiro, V.S.; J.H. Schoereder; T.G. Sobrinho; P.M. Brando; L. Maracahipes-Santos; M.N. Macedo; L.N. Paolucci. Ecosystem functions of ants and dung beetles in agriculture-dominated Amazonian riparian forests. 2024. Ecological Entomology. DOI: 10.1111/een.13362. Altimetric

– Fietto, L.S.; J.H. Schoereder; I. Gerheim; L.N. Paolucci. Dam failure disrupts Atlantic Rainforest ant communities and their interactions with seeds. 2024. Journal of Insect Conservation. DOI: 10.1007/s10841-024-00627-7. Altimetric

– Brando, P.M.; D. Silvério; L. Maracahipes; R. Benzi; L.N. Paolucci; L. Maracahipes-Santos; L. Rattis; M.N. Macedo; J.K. Balch. Legacies of multiple disturbances on fruit and seed patterns in Amazonia: Implications for forest functional traits. 2024. Ecosphere. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.4780. Altimetric

– Gomes, I.M.T.; M.R; M.O. Neves; L.N. Paolucci. Trees harbouring ants are better defended than con-generic and sympatric ant-free trees. 2023. Science of Nature. DOI: 10.1007/s00114-023-01858-5. Altimetric

– Moura, M.R; F. Nascimento; L.N. Paolucci; D. Silva; B.A. Santos. Pervasive impacts of climate change on the woodiness and ecological generalism of dry forest plant assemblages. 2023. Journal of Ecology. DOI: 10.111/1365-2745.14139. Altimetric

– Feitosa, R.M. et. al. From species descriptions to diversity patterns: the validation of taxonomic data as a keystone for ant diversity studies reproducibility and accuracy. 2023. Royal Society Open Science. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.221170. Altimetric

– Queiroz, A.C.M. et. al. Ant diversity decreases during the dry season: A meta-analysis of the effects of seasonality on ant richness and abundance. 2023. Biotropica. DOI: 10.11111/btp.13158. Altimetric

– Queiroz, E.A; J.H. Schoereder; Cornelissen, T.G.; P.M. Brando; L. Maracahipes;  L.N. Paolucci. Reduced predation by arthropods and higher herbivory in burned Amazonian forests. 2022. Biotropica. DOI: 10.1111/btp.13129. Altimetric

– Ribeiro, V.S; L.N. Paolucci; J.H. Schoereder; R.R.C. Solar. Divergence of ant communities over time in a fragmented Atlantic Rain Forest landscape. 2022. Sociobiology. DOI: 10.13102/sociobiology.v69i3.8099. Altimetric

– Feitosa, R.M. et. al. Ants of Brazil: an overview based on 50 years of diversity studies. 2022. Systematics and Biodiversity. DOI: 10.1080/14772000.2022.2089268. Altimetric

– Schmidt, F.A. et al. Ant diversity studies in Brazil: an overview of the myrmecological research in a megadiverse country. 2022. Insectes Sociaux. DOI: 10.1007/s00040-022-00848-6. Altimetric

– Silva, R.R. et al. ATLANTIC ANTS: a data set of ants in Atlantic Forests of South America. 2022. Ecology. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3580. Altimetric

– Antunes, A.C. et al. AMAZONIA CAMTRAP: A dataset of mammal, bird, and reptile species recorded with camera traps in the Amazon forest. 2022. Ecology. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3738. Altimetric

– Lasmar, C.J.; A.C.M. Queiroz; C. Rosa; N.S. Carvalho; F.A. Schmidt; R.R.C. Solar; L.N. Paolucci; R.G. Cuissi; C.R. Ribas. Contrasting edge and pasture matrix effects on ant diversity from fragmented landscapes across multiple spatial scales. 2021. Landscape Ecology. DOI: 10.1007/s10980-021-01258-y. Altimetric

– Araújo, G.J.; T.J. Izzo; D. Storck-Tonon; L.N. Paolucci; R.K. Didham. Re-establishment of cavity-nesting bee and wasp communities along a reforestation gradient in southern Amazonia. 2021. Oecologia. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3580. Altimetric

– Valle, D.; G. Shimizu; R. Izbicki; L. Maracahipes; D.V. Silvério; L.N. Paolucci; J. Yusuf; P.M. Brando. The Latent Dirichlet Allocation model with covariates (LDAcov): A case study on the effect of fire on species composition in Amazonian forests. 2021. Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.7626. Altimetric

– Mendes, G.M. et al. How much leaf area do insects eat? A data set of insect herbivory sampled globally with a standardized protocol. 2021. Ecology e03301. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3301. Altimetric

– Brando, P.M; M. Macedo; D.V. Silvério; L. Rattis; L.N. Paolucci; A. Alencar; M. Coe; C. Amorim. Amazon wildfires: Scenes from a foreseeable disaster. 2020. Flora 268:151609. DOI: 10.1016/j.flora.2020.151609. Altimetric

– Zvereva, E.L.; L.N. Paolucci & M.V. Kozlov. Top‑down factors contribute to differences in insect herbivory between saplings and mature trees in boreal and tropical forests. 2020. Oecologia 193:167–176. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-020-04659-z. Altimetric

– Maracahipes-Santos, L.; D.V. Silvério; M. Macedo; Maracahipes, L.;  Jankowski, K.J.; L.N. Paolucci; Neil, C.; Brando, P.M.  Agricultural land-use change alters the structure and diversity of Amazon riparian forests. 2020. Biological Conservation 252:108862. DOI: Altimetric

– Fernandes, T.V.; L.N. Paolucci; R.R.C. Solar; F.S. Neves & R.I. Campos. Ant removal distance, but not seed manipulation and deposition site increases the establishment of a myrmecochorous plant. 2020. Oecologia 192:133–142. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-019-04551-5

– Brando, P.M.; L.N. Paolucci; E. Ordway; C. Ummenhofer; H. Hartmann; M. Cattau; L. Rattis; V. Medjibe; M.T. Coe; J. Balch. Droughts, Wildfires, and Forest Carbon Cycling: A Pantropical Synthesis. 2019. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 47: 55-581. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-earth-082517-010235. Altimetric

Paolucci, L.N.; R.L. Pereira; L. Rattis; D.V. Silvério; N.C. Marques; M.N. Macedo; P.M. Brando. Lowland tapirs facilitate seed dispersal in degraded Amazonian forests. 2019. Biotropica 51:245-252, 2019. DOI: 10.1111/btp.12627. Altimetric

– Zvereva, E.L.; B. Castagneyrol; T. Cornelissen; A. Forsman; J.A. Hernández-Aguüero; T. Klemola; L.N. Paolucci; V. Polo; N. Salinas; K.J. Theron; G. Xu; V. Zverev; M.V. Kozlov. Opposite latitudinal patterns for bird and arthropod predation revealed in experiments with differently colored artificial prey. 2019. Ecology and Evolution 9:14273-14285. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.5862. Altimetric

– Fernandes, T.V.; L.N. Paolucci; F.M.S. Carmo; C.F. Sperber; R.I. Campos. Seed manipulation by ants: disentangling the effects of ant behaviours on seed germination. 2018. Ecological Entomology 43:712-718. DOI: 10.1111/een.12655. Altimetric

Paolucci, L.N.; J.H. Schoereder; P.M. Brando; A.N. Andersen. Fire-induced forest transition to derived savannas: Cascading effects on ant communities. 2017. Biological Conservation 214:295-302. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2017.08.020. Altimetric

Paolucci, L.N.; M.L.B. Maia; R.R.C. Solar; R.I. Campos; J.H. Schoereder; A.N. Andersen . Fire in the Amazon: impact of experimental fuel addition on responses of ants and their interactions with myrmecochorous seeds. 2016. Oecologia 182:335-346. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-016-3638-x. Altimetric

Paolucci, L.N.; T.G. Sobrinho; J.H. Schoereder. Area size mediates the role of arthropods on ecosystem functioning. 2016. Austral Ecology 41:681-689. DOI: 10.1111/aec.12357. Altimetric

Paolucci, L.N.; R.R.C. Solar; L.C. Leal. Proximity shapes similarity in epiphytic composition of Neotropical ant gardens. 2016. Journal of Tropical Ecology 32:325-329. DOI: 10.1017/S0266467416000298. Altimetric

Paolucci, L.N.; R.R.C. Solar; T.G. Sobrinho; C.F. Sperber; J.H. Schoereder. How does small-scale fragmentation affect litter-dwelling ants? The role of isolation. 2012. Biodiversity and Conservation 21:3095-3105. DOI: 10.1007/s10531-012-0356-5 Altimetric

Paolucci, L.N.; R.R.C. Solar; J.H. Schoereder. Litter and associated ant fauna recovery dynamics after a complete clearance. 2010, Sociobiology 55:133-144. Link.

Capítulos de livro

Paolucci, L.N.; R.R.C. Solar; J.M. Silveira; J.H. Schoereder. Ecologia do fogo: efeitos sobre a fauna e flora de florestas tropicais. In: Alexandre Simões Lorenzon, Daniel Brianezi, Erlon Barbosa Valderato e Mª Cristina Martins. (Org.). Incêndio florestal: princípio, manejo e impactos. 1ed. Viçosa: Editora UFV, 2018, v. 1:286-302. Link.

– Sobrinho, T.G.; L.N. Paolucci; D.C. Muscardi; A.C. Maradini; E.A. Silva; R.R.C. Solar; J.H. Schoereder. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning in Tropical Habitats – Case Studies and Future Perspectives in Atlantic Rainforest and Cerrado Landscapes. In: Yueh-Hsin Lo; Juan A. Blanco; Shovonlal Roy. (Org.). Biodiversity in Ecosystems – Linking Structure and Function. 1ed. Rijeka: InTech, 2015, v. 1:51-83. DOI: Link.

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